Nothing steams a modern woman's buns like the mention of patriarchy. Any conversation leaning towards its favor could end in honest chants of 'who run the world? Girls!' . Female power is a wonderful thing. It has done a daunting amount of global good, but there are sometimes when a critical mind is drawn to wonder if women aren't turning into the monsters they are trying to topple. Especially when the focus is black women. Recently, Renee Donaldson, a black Youtuber, and social influencer apologized to her followers for promoting a brand called Clinichub . Clinichub is a business that acts as a middle man between plastic surgery clinics in Istanbul, Turkey, and potential clients around the world. What is interesting about this business is how it specifically targets black women and uses influencers like Renee to lure them under the knife. Well, Renee apologized to her fans after her 'Brazilian butt lift' surgery went south, leaving her with lumps. And fro
Discovering the ideas 'between the lines' of everyday life (Written in English I Le Français I Asụsụ Igbo)