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Showing posts from July, 2021

Frida Kahlo really said "My Body >>>"

  Nicole Chikwe once asked a room full of young women, I inclusive, if anyone wanted to volunteer to list five things they loved about their bodies and why. My hand shot up faster than Hermione in Mcgonagall's class. For some reason, I had heard 'wrong' rather than 'loved' and assumed the request was for '5 things wrong with your body'.  I stood up and yelled the one thing that irked me above all "my knees!". Everyone laughed when I was told what the question really was. I had to pause and think before opening my big mouth again. Then Nicole said something I'd never thought about "it's very easy for us to mention all the things we hate about our bodies, but we hardly ever focus on the things that are positive about it, why not?"  On the 6th of July, Frida Kahlo , one of history's most valued artists, would have been 114; but her body gave up before she could clock 50. Frida had an extremely broken body.  First, polio made her ...